
WARNING Don’t Join LifePath! Until you read this report

Okay, so you've made a life-changing decision to commit to earning full time income with a home based business and you're taking a look at LifePath Unlimited. All you really want to know is the facts, so you can decide for yourself if Life Path Unlimited is a legitimate company and if you canmake money with a Life Path business.The problem is, there's so much conflicting information online. And so much of it is a lot of screaming with very little substance, going both ways. You've read the Life Path reviews claiming this is the yellow brick road to fabulous riches. And you've heard LifePath complaintsscreaming: "Life Path Scam!"So if you're serious about looking for a legitimate way to make money online and investigating Life Path, but feeling overwhelmed by the information overload... I know exactly what you're going through! Because it wasn't that long ago thatI was in the same exact position you are right now. I was looking around on the internet, trying to find the real answers, and trying to separate the truth from the fictionin order to find right business to join. When I first looked at Life Path Unlimited, I was intrigued by the promise of earning big commissions. The reason I started network marketing in the first place was that I was downsized from a six figure sales position, and I needed to find a way to make that same kind of money working from home so I would have more freedom in my lifestyle and more time to spend with my family. On top of that,I'm watch repair tools a student of personal development and a big fan of guys like Tom Peters, Deepak Chopra, T Harv Ekker. I've read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill a good dozen times, and chapters 2 & 3, the heart of the teaching, I've probably read 20 times each. So at firt blush, everything about the LifePath Unlimited business seemed to be a good match for me and what I was looking for in a home based business. But then, after I dug in and did my homework, I uncovered two glaring flaws: Flaw Number One: The product is very expensive, and it's also artificially expensive. Which means there's no stand-alone value, and you're locked into working withwith a very small potential customer base because let's face it, not that many people out there who are willing to spend that kind of money, especially in this economy. Flaw Number Two: The company culture doesn't embrace online marketing. They're not familiar with advanced marketing techniques, and they don't have comprehensive training for new team members to learn how to become successful marketers.With no mentors in place to teach new teammates how to market online, it would be a major battle for a new distributor to generate leads, make sales and build an organization.If you talk to a LifePath veteran they'll tell you to use the old ways: do home meetings, put up fliers, bug your friends and family, make a "memory jogger" list of everyone you know, and use the "3 foot rule" to harass strangers at the grocery store. Not a cool way to spend your time - and absolutely not the best method to build a successful business in 2010. As you do your research you'llfind that there are sleeker more lucrative opportunities available online where you can earn a significant income without having to spend that much money just to get started.Also, you can promote products with real value in an honest & ethical manner and watch repair get top level coaching to learn how to market effectively and build a successful business.In this light, LifePath Unlimited is not the most lucrative businessavailable if you're really serious about starting a home based business and committed to making a full-time income online.

